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Rosalind Brewer Steps Down as CEO and Member of the Board Ginger Graham, Current Lead Independent Director, Appointed Interim CEO Search Process to Identify a Permanent CEO Is Underway
In support of the launch, the healthcare company, in partnership with non-profit End Overdose, is educating Americans on how to administer this lifesaving medication that can reverse the effects of an...
Walgreens expands its partnership with Mental Health America through a back-to-school toolkit collaboration, equipping students and parents with knowledge for a healthy academic year.
Photography has scientifically proven health benefits. To mark World Photography Day, Walgreens shows photo facts to celebrate the better health the more than 1 billion photos we print help enable.
The offerings reflect what matters most to consumers this fall respiratory virus season based on new survey insights
Keeping your kids healthy is always a priority. But how do you do that when they're in school? A Walgreens pharmacist and mom shares three tips.
Walgreens is committed to helping people who are impacted by the Maui wildfires get access to their medications and aiding in recovery efforts.
Coordinated primary care and pharmacy services help patients better manage their health through easy access and high-quality care
Diverse participation in clinical trials is critically low. At this year’s Black Women’s Expo, Walgreens sponsorship centered on educating the community and sparking change for better health outcomes.