People & Perspectives

Meet Juthaporn Khamtanom, store group manager and pharmacist, Boots Thailand

Learn how COVID-19 has changed her work life, family life and why she loves being a pharmacist.

Boots Thailand pharmacist wearing PPE
Boots Thailand pharmacist wearing PPE
Pharmacist uthaporn Khamtanom

My name is Juthaporn Khamtanom. I am a Boots Thailand store group manager and pharmacist. I graduated from Prince of Songkla University with a bachelor’s degree in pharmaceutical sciences, majoring in a Doctor of Pharmacy program in pharmaceutical care.  

On a typical day (before the pandemic), my morning routine starts at 6 a.m. I wake up my kids (a 5-year-old girl and a 9-year-old boy), take an hour to prepare breakfast for my family, get the kids ready for school and double-check their backpacks before taking them to school with my husband around 8 a.m. 

Juthaporn Khamtanom with family

After taking the kids to school, I return to my house and take around an hour to tidy up, have breakfast, get myself ready for work and hop in the car to drive around 15-20 mins to get to my workplace by 11 a.m.

By 11 a.m., I am at work where I stay until 7:30 p.m. Every day before starting my job, I spend around 20 minutes running a morning brief with my team. This session allows my team members to share information and feedback and offers an opportunity to ask questions. Plus, this helps to keep everyone up to date with the relevant information they need to do their jobs. 

Boots Thailand pharmacist Juthaporn Khamtanom hugging her two children

Around 7:45 p.m., I drive back home. When I get home, my kids always give me a hug, then they will tell me how their day at school went. My husband and I always carefully listen to them as we want our kids to feel free to come to us if they have any problems. Then we usually spend around an hour together doing their homework.  

At 9 p.m., I will get the kids to sleep and finally have some time to watch the news and chat with my friends on Facebook. 

I usually go to bed around midnight; however, I always take around 15 minutes to write down a list of any items that I need to address the following day.

Boots Thailand pharmacist team

However, Covid-19 has changed my life a lot.

During the lockdown which lasted for almost four months, my store had to close temporarily to prevent the spread of the virus. My team and I moved to work in different sub-districts where it took me a little bit longer to get to the store.

As a leader, I have to stay calm during this difficult time, and try to stop feelings of distress that may lead to anxiety. I always remind myself that I will make it through. Every day, I send words of encouragement to my team members and ask them if they need any support from me. I also emphasize the importance of handwashing, maintaining social distancing, avoiding crowded areas and wearing a mask as this is not only beneficial for them, but also for our patients and customers who come to our store.  

Juthaporn Khamtanom with her family on vacation

Covid-19 has also changed my family life.

I get home the first thing that I do is wash my hands and take a shower. I always tell my kids (especially my 5-year-old little girl) the importance of washing hands and practicing social distancing as this will help to reduce the spread of the virus.  

Because of Covid-19, my kids are studying from home while my husband and I have to go to work. 

On the weekends, we have to stay at home as much as we can instead of hanging out with the kids by the sea or at the park, having dinner outside or going to the gym. However, staying at home during the pandemic has allowed me to spend more time with my family; have more time to work out; and create new recipes for my kids – we love making homemade pizza together! Without my family’s love and support, I wouldn't be where I am today.  

Why I love being a pharmacist...

Pharmacy is a unique profession that plays a critical role for people. Being a store group manager and a pharmacist at Boots Thailand gives me the opportunity to play a vital role during this difficult period. I educate our patients, customers and employees on how to protect themselves from Covid-19, how to use medication properly and also take care of those customers that live with anxiety because of the current pandemic.   

Some of the tips that I share with my customers are: 

  1. Go see your doctor if you feel unwell 
  2. Be sure to take your prescribed medication correctly 
  3. Consider taking a supplemental food or vitamins as appropriate and if possible
  4. Get adequate sleep

I’m so proud of being able to help our customers be mentally and physically stronger and happier, and to support my team during the COVID-19 crisis. 

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