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Woman pharmacist with patient
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So easy, even a kid could do it
2 mins read
A store manager was having trouble convincing older relatives to try new Walgreens services, so the younger generation stepped up to help.
Friends on the line
5 mins read
As more Walgreens customers turn to online ordering during the coronavirus pandemic, call center agents and ‘issue resolvers’ are just the allies they’re looking for.
A hop forward for Botanics
4 mins read
WBA’s plant-based beauty brand now bears the coveted ‘Leaping Bunny’ symbol as evidence of its commitment to cruelty-free, sustainable products.
The doctor can (virtually) see you now
7 mins read
During COVID-19, physician visits don’t look like they used to. Walgreens Find Care® is here to help guide you through the changed health care landscape.
Lessons from a toilet paper expert
6 mins read
As panic-buying increased, toilet paper was one of the first supplies to go. But why? Walgreens’ category manager of paper goods explains.
A pull forward for pharmacists
6 mins read
For a Chicago pharmacy manager volunteering at Walgreens’ drive-thru testing sites in Illinois, the COVID-19 pandemic is a call to help patients like never before.
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